Overwhelming tasks, huge goals, company reorg. Pandatron's Chatbot Coach helps you to overcome career challenges. Coaching for the whole month for a price of a lunch.
Get more done by working smarter
☑️ Set & reach goals
☑️ Have clear priorities
☑️ Overcome obstacles
☑️ Get ideas to solve challenges
☑️ Build productive habits
How does it work in practice?
Two free sessions with no credit card required. Afterwards, 1 month = €25
For a price of a lunch
Book a session in the calendar and the chatbot coach will reach out to you in Slack
30 mins/week bot sessions
Share ideas & challenges with other chatbot coachees
Slack community
We collect feedback anonymously to encourage honesty
We collect feedback anonymously to encourage honesty
It was a deep reflection and made me realize some of the deep feelings behind the negative thoughts
I think I'm thriving right now, having these conversations
The session helped me to reflect on myself "even" more
I like the low threshold compared to "full-blown" coaching. The time investment is small
I was so glad that in this session we got to talk and walk through a framework that can ease the process and guide me. I felt less pressure on myself and more guided
It was great to recap the most important action steps for the next few days
Session gave me very good ideas. I'm impressed
It was helpful to align and calibrate my mind again
I have a concrete action that I can do
More of these frameworks pls, they are cool :0
How will this help me?
The bot gives you an opportunity to consider your priorities, reinforce positive habits, and plan to overcome whatever obstacles are in your way. This short weekly session helps you stay focused on what actually matters.
Different exercises for your needs
All in a text format, so you can easily come back to it. Get the benefits of reading, journaling, and conventional coaching all in one package!
to understand and solve complex problems
Design and Systems Thinking methods
to find new perspectives to old challenges
Innovative thought experiments
such as goal-setting and reflection
Classical business coaching exercises
to develop a growth mindset and root out biases
Cognitive reframing
for decision making
Strategic frameworks
to ensure the long-lasting impact from the insights you will get
Habit building
Common concerns
Common concerns
Common concerns
of top engineers, social psychologists, and coaches!
Meet our team
Okay, I'm in!
Let's try